Fire Safe Council

CCC, An Amazing Asset
CCC stands for California Conservation Corp, but it could stand for Congenial Conservation Crew.
They have a great attitude towards the work that they do, the people they work with, and the organizations they partner with. They have been working with OTFSC most summers since 2017, cutting down dead trees and contributing to the safety of our communities. The Conservation Corp is a training ground for future foresters and they are a congenial group eager to learn the craft.
In 2017, the CCC crew that had been cutting hazard trees in our area made a presentation at Dunlap School. Their audience was the Dunlap eighth graders and high schoolers from the Dunlap Academy across the street. The CCC group, based in San Luis Obispo, talked about their experience in the CCC. This crew is one of two crews that have been specially trained in tree falling. Much of the presentation consisted of answering questions eagerly supplied by the students. One emphasis all the crew members had was how life changing this experience had been for them.
The students came away with knowledge of an opportunity they could take advantage of in their future. The CCC is open to young adults from the age of eighteen to twenty-five. We thank the CCC crew for visiting Dunlap School and the time they have put in cutting hazard trees and making our communities safer places.
To learn more about the program and/or sign up, click here: http://www.ccc.ca.gov/join/Pages/join.aspx

Article submitted by Lorri Orsaba