Fire Safe Council
2018 Grants

2018 Grants Report
FROM: Dotty Woolum, Grants coordinator
I. 2018-2019 CCI FP proposal On behalf of OTFSC, I will be proposing to the CCI Fire Prevention program to create a 277 acre 400 wide fuel break encircling the heart of Pinehurst, as you all agreed for me to do at our last Bd meeting. FYI, the map for the proposed fuel break (prepared for us by CALFIRE) is attached. The design is a result of a multi-year collaboration between CALFIRE and USFS), and I've received written letters of support for this proposal from them. After consultation with (LTO) Brack Welton and RPF (Jeff Gletne) on the budget, this proposal winds up being our biggest effort yet (just under $650,000 total requested), due to topography and density of structures, as well as size of area treated. ~90% is needed for the contractual work, but I also add modest funds for the construction/installation of
2 information kiosks (in Pinehurst and Miramonte); 10% of Direct Costs is requested for Indirect Costs for OTFSC over the two and a half year life of the grant. I write that OTFSC pledges a very modest total of $20k in-kind contributions. Jackie Harper has agreed to help me as Co-Project Manager for this project. II. 2017-2018 CCI FP Grant Award We made the deadline to return the OTFSC grant award contract to the state and expect to receive the state-signed finalized contract shortly. Jackie Harper has offered to Co-Manage this project with me. He and i will be meeting with Brack on Dec. 20th to discuss priorities for the start of contractual work, given what landowner agreements (ROE's) and CEQA approvals we have in hand, and targeting what ROE's and CEQA approvals we will need to start work on obtaining. As you remember, the focus of this approved grant is for fuels reduction for very high/high fire hazard severity zones (VHFHSZ) adjacent to Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks (Pinehurst, Miramonte, Dunlap). We proposed: * Removing dead/dying trees that directly threaten ingress/egress routes and permanent structures (including homes, camps, schools, businesses, and the community/utility/communications infrastructure) * Removing logs that had been left by previous TM projects * Brushing/limbing/thinning to create fuel breaks at strategic locations along ingress/egress routes and around the camps and densely developed landowner enclaves that are scattered throughout the VHFHSZ. YOUR INPUT REGARDING PRIORITIES FOR WORK WILL BE MOST WELCOME AT OUR UPCOMING DEC BOARD MEETING ON THE 13TH! III. 2017 SRA Tree Mortality Grant in Tulare Co Our contractual work is done. We still need to get funds from the state for payments for work completed by our LTO and RPF. I will be working on our Final Report for this grant (due March 15, 2019) after the 2018-2019 CCI FP grant proposal is submitted Dec 19th.